Disney Files Trademark Lawsuit Over “Frozen Land”

Phase 4 Films, the esteemed Canadian film distributor of animated classics such as Kiara the Brave and Life’s a Jungle: Africa’s Most Wanted, has found itself in legal hot water over its latest masterpiece, Frozen Land. On December 20, Disney filed a lawsuit against Phase 4 alleging trademark infringement and false advertising. Read the full complaint here.
Frozen Land is, in fact, the French-Canadian animated film The Legend of Sarila, that was released earlier in 2013. After being picked up for distribution by Phase 4, its name, logo, and branding was suddenly switched to Frozen Land, allegedly to capitalize on Disney’s latest hit Frozen (and perhaps trick parents into buying the DVD). Considering that the actual content of the film had nothing to do with Frozen, Phase 4 could have saved itself a lot of headache had it not borrowed wholesale the Frozen name and visual design of the Disney film logo.

Disney has asked the courts for an injunction to stop Phase 4 from using its nearly indentical Frozen Land logo. Further, they want Phase 4 to destroy all the Frozen Land DVDs and pay compensatory and actual damages, and attorney’s fees.
(Story via Hollywood Reporter)